2020 Accomplishments

With our partners’ help in 2020, GDC remained focused on moving the Gateway projects forward in the face of crisis:

• The remaining 2 New Jersey Commissioners to the new Gateway Development Commission were confirmed to the Board of Trustees so that moving into 2021 we have a fully constituted 7 member bi-state authority responsible for developing the Gateway Program.

• Amtrak awarded a $25 million contract, with the support of the Port Authority, and started work to relocate critical utilities out of the path of the Hudson Yards Concrete Casing element of the Hudson Tunnel Project.

• We continued our engagement with the private sector, undertaking an effort to better understand the geotechnical conditions along the future path of the new tunnel in response to comments received during our Request for Information process. The majority of the 37 geotechnical borings and 11 underground surveys were completed in 2020 generating valuable data that helps reduce uncertainty and mitigate risk for potential bidders.

• We submitted an updated financial plan to secure Federal funding for the Hudson Tunnel Project, continuing to limit costs as much as possible. The plan is over $1 billion less than in 2018, although we acknowledged almost $300 million in cost escalation during the year while the project partners await a final EIS and Record of Decision from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT).

• NJ TRANSIT, in cooperation with Amtrak, continued to advance the Portal North Bridge Project aggressively, receiving an upgraded rating on its financial plan, a commitment for a Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) from USDOT, and an initial $248 million toward the project. Once the FFGA is executed, procurement will begin, and the Portal North Bridge Project will move to full construction.

Additional Milestones & Accomplishments

September 2019

Updated financial plan for Portal North Bridge Project submitted to Federal Transit Administration (FTA) making more money available for project while keeping costs in check.

September 2019

Updated financial plan for Portal North Bridge Project submitted to Federal Transit Administration (FTA) making more money available for project while keeping costs in check.

August 2019

Strengthened financial plan for Hudson Tunnel Project submitted to Federal Transit Administration (FTA) reflecting $1.4 billion decrease in estimated cost.

July 2019

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy sign the bi-state Gateway Development Commission Act.

June 2019

State legislatures in New Jersey and New York pass legislation establishing the Gateway Development Commission.

February 2019

GDC launches innovative pre-procurement Virtual Data Room to provide private sector firms access to geotechnical data with goal of expediting schedule and reducing cost of Hudson Tunnel Project.

Preliminary construction work completed for the Portal North Bridge.

December 2018

Updated Draft of Environmental Impact Statement submitted to U.S. DOT.

January 2024

Gateway Development Commission’s Industry Outreach #9: HTP Project Update given by CEO Kris Kolluri and GDC staff, at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Battery Park. This project briefing was followed by a DBE networking session with the participation of the shortlisted companies for GDC’s Palisades Tunnel and Manhattan Tunnel procurements; and engagement with DBE Certification staff from MTA and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. All information presented is for indicative, illustrative, and contemplative purposes only and is subject to change. A list of attendees can be found here.

July 2018

GDC hosts Industry Information Session on Hudson Tunnel Project attended by more than 200 individuals representing 100 registered firms.

June 2018

NJ TRANSIT submits updated financial plan for Portal North Bridge including commitment by State of New Jersey of up to $600 million; Port Authority of NY/NJ announces it will serve roles of NEPA Project Sponsor and CIG grant applicant for Hudson Tunnel Project on behalf of Gateway Partners

February 2018

Partners submit Administrative Draft of Final EIS to U.S. DOT.  Work by local partners completed in 22 months – on schedule for planned March 30th completion.

December 2017

States of New York and New Jersey, Port Authority announce commitments of more than $5.5 billion for Hudson Tunnel Project.

October 2017

Early work begins in preparation for Portal North Bridge construction.

July 2017

Hudson Tunnel Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement released, with public hearings held in NY and NJ.

May 2017

NJ TRANSIT Board authorizes the award of the early work construction contract for the Portal North Bridge Project.

February 2017

Port Authority Board approves 2017-2026 Capital Plan that includes $2.7 billion for the Gateway Program; amount includes previously authorized funding for preliminary engineering (March 2016) and Portal North Bridge (October 2016, subject to facility certification and other conditions); remainder of Capital Plan amount requires board approval.

January 2017

GDC enters into Emerging Projects Agreement with USDOT for technical cooperation on low-cost long-term federal loans.

November 2016

The Gateway Program Development Corporation (GDC) is incorporated as a New Jersey non-profit corporation to advance and deliver the Gateway Program.

October 2016

Port Authority Board authorizes debt service support for up to $284 million in borrowing for Portal North Bridge by Gateway Program Development Corporation (GDC), and up to $18 million in associated fees (subject to facility certification and other conditions).

September 2016

Portal North Bridge submitted for inclusion in the FY2018 President’s Budget; request includes full funding plan for the project.

July 2016

Hudson Tunnel and Portal North Bridge projects accepted into USDOT’s Capital Investment Grants (CIG) pipeline.

May 2016

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and NJ TRANSIT begin work on Environmental Impact Statement for Hudson Tunnel Project. 

March 2016

Port Authority Board authorizes up to $35 million for Tunnel’s preliminary engineering (in addition to Amtrak commitment of up to $35 million).

November 2015

The Governors of New York and New Jersey, as well as the U.S. Senators from both states announce a framework for advancing the Gateway Program. 

Learn more about our current projects.

Portal North Bridge

Portal North Bridge
A Gateway Program Project

Hudson Tunnel

Hudson Tunnel
A Gateway Program Project